Motion tracking : Leap motion


Yesterday, I’ve just acquired some tech device which I’ve been looking forward for quite some time. It is a motion tracking device, called Leap motion.


download (4)

This device is quite powerful. By hooking up the device with your computer, you’ll be able to control your computer without the need of a mouse. It’s a tiny device with huge possibilities. The device can track both of your hands at an incredible speed. There are application in the app store for leap motion, with which you can can truly explore the device without needing to touch anything. You’ll see an example of an application in Airstore below :


What really attracts me with the device is that I can develop my own application with it. There are several languages that are supported, but I focus on C# for the time being. But trying other technologies is part of our life as developers, so I’ll try to use other languages if possible.

When I’ll get more experienced with the device, I’ll start a mini series in which I’ll show you how to create your own first application with Leap motion. Just remember, the code won’t work without acquiring a device for yourself !


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